bloody disgusting : “Game of Thrones” Just Turned Its Longest Episode into a Full-Blown Horror Movie4/30/2019 "If you haven’t caught up with the latest episode of Game of Thrones, “The Long Night”, don’t worry; no major overarching plot points or character fates will be spoiled here.
From the opening scene of HBO’s mega popular Game of Thrones’ pilot episode, which saw a trio of rangers discovering mutilated corpses right before being attacked by undead creatures, horror has been a major element of the fantasy drama series. As the political maneuvering and battling for the Iron Throne in Westeros was only just beginning, so too was the war being waged on the living by the icy Night King; the humans just didn’t know it yet. For seasons, we watched as the Night King and his White Walker generals slowly made their way across the land North of the icy wall that separates the wild from the rest of civilized Westeros, slaughtering unsuspecting native people and turning their corpses into reanimated soldiers for his campaign to snuff out humanity. With all of the final story pieces clicking into place in the series’ final episodes, the culmination of that silent, deadly war delivered the shows’ longest episode to date…. and it was an intense, feature length horror movie." Read the full article by Meagan Navarro of Bloody Disgusting
The Blood Hunter Screening on March 9th and 10th at the Scottish Rite Center FREE with Rocket Con Admission
"A broken man is recruited by a team of Vampire Hunters that seek something that he has." Come watch this new indie horror movie from RazorEdge Films. This is a free screening for all San Diego Rocket Con attendees on March 9th and 10th. VIP Reserved seating will be available with more info to come. Starring Timothy Patrick Quill (Army of Darkness, Great and Powerful Oz,. and every other Sam Raimi film), Jason Harris, Amy Truax, Danny Hicks Directed By Trevor Styles Written By Trevor Styles Screenplay By Trevor Styles, Chris Candelaria, Buddy Mackinder, Chas Llewellyn Produced By Brikotah Styles, Gary Busby, Dan Proffitt, Chas Llewellyn, Lauri Patterson, Chris Candelaria, Jamie Candelaria, RPG Intertainment and Shempstone Studios Screening Schedule for Saturday and Sunday : 11:30am Panel 12:00pm Screening of The Blood Hunter 1:50 to 2:15 Q and A 2:15 to 2:45 Special Guest Signings (Guests to be Announced) 3:00 Screening of The Blood Hunter Movie trailer available on Vimeo at : You can visit The Blood Hunter Facebook page at : San Diego Rocket Con Schedule, Guest List, and Ticket information available at : Sponsored by and Revolution Gaming |
June 2019
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